Do you Offer Virtual Sessions?

While I am a big believer in the value of working in-person with clients, I am happy to work with clients virtually where the situation dictates. I have many hours of experience providing counselling in this manner and am confident in its effectiveness..

Will my Benefits Program Cover my Sessions With You?

Many benefit providers will cover a portion, or the entire cost of counselling services provided by Registered Clinical Counsellors. Before commencing with counselling, please contact your provider and determine your own coverage status as knowing the number of sessions you are looking to book can be instrumental in planning the scope of work we can do together.


What is your Availability Like?

Presently, I am available Tuesdays (9:00am-2:00pm), Wednesdays (11:00am-6:00pm), Fridays (9:00am-2:00pm). I am accepting new clients, and my wait time is under two weeks.

What Precautions are you Taking Around COVID-19?

For clients who prefer to work face-to-face, I operate out of a large, regularly sanitized space in which we can quite easily maintain a safe physical distance while we work together. Additionally, I use a Molekule air purifier as an additional safety protocol. While masks are welcome in session (and I will wear one upon request), they are not required.

What is the Registered Clinical Counsellor Designation and Why Does it Matter?

At present, counselling is an unregulated profession in British Columbia. This means that just about anyone can describe themselves as a counsellor and work with the often vulnerable populations that seek counselling/psychotherapeutic services. The RCC designation guarantees that the counsellor who holds it has, 1) completed a Masters degree in Counselling Psychology at an accredited institution, 2) Successfully passed both written and oral clinical competency exams, 3) has had their counselling practice vetted for a minimum of 100 hours by an experienced clinical supervisor and, 4) belongs to a professional body that demands the they adhere to standards of practice intended to ensure client safety.